BeTheYou recently was proudly invited to Hollywood, Los Angeles for an exclusive Indian Fashion Shows at an International Annual Christmas Fashion Show 2017. The show was graced by a Venezuelan actor Fernando Carrilo and other Hollywood celebrities.
For the show, BeTheYou trained 30 International models and briefed them with Indian Culture and how to represent its attires gracefully and elegantly on the Ramp. Two Indian Segments sponsored by Mastani Creations (by Madhu ji), "Indian Evening Wear" and Indian Bridal Wear" segments were then conceived along with its supporting music tracks. The segments awed the International audience with India's rich culture, Its clothing, its jewelry and its mesmerizing music. In the Grand Finale, the International models all clad in Indian Silks and Jewels filled up the stage and were very well received. It was quite an experience to work with the models and other teams from LA, Hollywood, and perform among Hollywood celebrities.Thanks to the International community for extending their tremendous love and appreciation to Indian Culture on the occasion of Christmas and Holiday Season. A memory to cherish forever and indeed a feather in BeTheYou's Cap.
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